
Showing posts from 2016

4th year of Uni

Alright, I have a confession to make. I have become one of those people. I have a day planner. And I take it with me. Everywhere. If you are wondering what is that one item I keep in my bag all the time, then now you know, it is my academic diary. I did, in fact, leave my purse at home the other day accidentally, but not the diary. If you call me to arrange a meeting with me, I would be quoting Tilly from Miranda (the show), and you would hear " bare with " at least three times, while I grab my planner from my bag. If you ask me about my availability by text, I might as well just send you a picture of the questionable week. But without a diary, how would I know, which job to turn up to, or if my training starts at 15 or 30 past. Or if it is the kind of lecture you can turn up to hangover, or in pyjamas. Or both. I mark the dates when student finance comes in, with the amount and a smiley face, and mark the days of rent with the amount and a big-big sad face. I write ...

Nagyvarosi gondolatok

Az utcak sokkal tisztabbak, mint ahogy emlekszem. Az emberek sokkal koszosabbak. ✳✳✳ Anno nem volt buntudatom, hogy nem adtam a keregetoknek, nem tudtam mibol. Ma mar nyulnek a zsebembe , de alig hiszem, hogy egy par fonttal sokra mennenek. ✴✴✴ Jelenleg abban a statuszban vagyok, hogy meg fel tudom sorolni a 4-6os megalloit. De mar nem erzem reflexbol, hogy melyik oldalon nyilik az ajto. ✴✴✴ Az utcan setalva mindig "turista vagy budapesti"-t jatszom. Majd elgondolkodom. Ha mas is ezt jatszana, engem hova sorolnanak? ✴✴✴ Az en idomben a "csak par forintot adjon" is eleg volt. Ma mar a "batya, batya, vona ket kiloja?" hangzik. Mikor legutobb csekkoltam, a kilo ezres volt, de lehet, hogy a szleng tudasom elavult. Vagy a "par forint" erteke. Egy masik legalabb oszinten inditott. Azt mondta, sorre kell. Hat en is azt vettem belole. ✴✴✴ A Deak ter uresen all. Vagy mindenki szigeten van, vagy Horvatorszagban....

Visiting Budapest

It's been 3 years. At the start, I came to visit when I had time away from uni. Then I didn't have time. Then I didn't feel like it. Now I am back. Walking on the streets of Budapest. For the first time in the last year and a half. I am stranger to my own motherland. Like a tourist in my home country. I look at the buildings I used to walk by daily, like I have never seen them before. I wonder when were they built. Who designed them, what did they look like when they were new. I look at the architecture and I admire it. I look at the view from my window and it still startles me day and night, overseeing to the other side of the river. I watch the television, I walk in the crowd, sit down in the park and just listen. My head gets dizzy from the noise of the city, it's full of people shouting in Hungarian, and I still raise my head every time I hear someone speaking next to me, as if Hungarian would be so rare. But not here, obviously. Just to me, it is. I feel like I wa...

Dear Arthur - the one about the relevance of time in friendships

Dear Arthur, As I am getting closer and closer to the end of yet another period of my lifetime, I often evaluate the things I have learnt and gained from these experiences. Spending a year in Bristol for my placement was mostly supposed to be about my profession, about work and learning about my industry. It was also an opportunity to meet new people. I made two different types of acquaintances, I made connections, the ones useful for my future, and I made friends. But is it possible to become friends in such short time? Is time really relevant to the quality of friendship? You will see, soon enough, what really is important and what isn't; though I assume it can be different for each person. For me, all those little things count. Having common interests and being able to spend time together sometimes aren't the aspects that make a friendship truly meaningful. But knowing those little things about each other, showing that the other's personality is interesting an...

Sweet taste of sweat and pain

I went to watch my friend playing volleyball for the first time. Their team was just a group of friends who decided to join a charity tournament ( that was my brief understanding of the situation anyway, but don't hold me to it). I was sitting on the side on my own and all those sweet memories came back from high school. I did my fair share of volleyball, have a few years behind me. Practised weekly, was on the school team and we entered competitions in season. Watching them made me think about the other girls, how strong they were, how hard we fought and how big part of my life it was back then. I remembered all those little things we did as a routine during the game, who was the best at what, what my strength was, and suddenly I wanted to get on the game. But then I was watching the game, and someone made a mistake. And all those memories of shame, pain and humiliation hit me at once. We were fighting hard, but it was never enough. We put all the sweat and time in every move...

Drága Artúr - Amelyikben bemutatlak a világomnak

Drága Artúr, Ma ünnepeljük, hogy fél éves lettél. Mire ezeket a sorokat olvasni fogod, hiszem, hogy elég idős leszel, hogy talán kicsit is megértsd, amiről beszélek. Adja a sors, hogy felét se éld át mindazon nehézségeknek, amiken én túlestem, amikbe beleroppantam, amikkel most harcolok, s amik még előttem állnak; de remélem, hogy azok a felemelő élmények, az élet édes pillanatai számodra is elérhetőek lesznek egy napon, amiket valaha én is átélhettem. Had mondjam el elsősorban, hiszen ez lesz a legfontosabb dolog, amit valaha is mondhatok neked, és tudom, hogy nem egyszer fogom ezt neked elismételni az életben: Egyszerűen egy csoda vagy. Nem igazán döntöttem még el, hogy hiszek e a csodákban egyáltalán. Legtöbbször, ha meg is esnek, nem tartanak többé három napnál, ahogy a mondás is tartja, tehát te igazán nagy csoda vagy, ráadásul olyan, ami örökké tart. Az élet nem osztogatja csak úgy a jó dolgokat, mint az ingyen mintát szokták a boltokban. Harcolni kell értük, küz...

Dear Arthur - The one where I introduce you to my world

Dear Arthur, Today we celebrate your first six months of existence. I believe by the time you ever find these letters, you will be old enough just to understand the things I am going to tell you. May the odds be in your favour for you not to go through some of the battles I have conquered, lost, fought and yet to face in life, but I truly wish you will be able to see some of the rainbows of the sky and the silver linings of the clouds that shown themselves to me in the past years. Let me just say it, as it is the most important thing I will ever tell you, and I am sure I will keep repeating this until my last breath: You are simply a miracle. I am still not sure if I believe in miracles at all. Usually if they do happen, they don't last long, therefore you are the only one that I know will last. Life doesn't just give good things to you, handing them out like they are going out of date. You need to fight for them, you need to work for achievements, for recognitio...

The real will power

Once a very wise person told me "you have time for anything if you make time for it yourself". And it is one of the biggest truths I have ever been taught. If you really want something to happen, you just need to make it happen. If I really wanted to iron my shirt in the morning, I would have spent less time in the shower, and spend that extra 3 minutes sorting out my uniform. If I really cared to get somewhere in time, I would have made sure to catch the right bus. If I really wanted to see someone, I would have made time for them. If I really wanted to achieve my goal, I would have fought for it more. If I really cared for other people, I would have tried to do everything to help them out. If I really wanted you in my life, then I  would have made the effort to make it happen.  There is so little we can control in the world, but there is so much we can do in life. But it is easier to find the excuses and to say no, I couldn't do anythi...

Work as a lifestyle? Am I ready?

When I was young, I always wanted to just grow up and get started on my career. I could not wait to start working, that is why I looked for my first job as soon as I turned 16. In England, after you finish your GCSEs and turn 16, you can leave education and start "the big LIFE". In Hungary, you need to finish high school, and be 18 to start working properly. And even though I was all about working, I went to university because I thought it was very important. (This might be because of the Hungarian mentality of needing to get papers of your education, and the general push towards higher education. I think it is a great approach, however, it can be quite off-putting for the less ambitious teens.) At university, I was determined to find a job straight away, not just because I needed to support myself financially, or because I understand the importance of job experience in the future, but because I really wanted to. I still have two part time jobs alongside my studies, and I ...

A shout out to all of our work legends

To be able to work in hospitality, and in this recent case, on reception, you must have many skills. To give amazing service, you must put in your heart, just to make those few seconds, minutes, or hours special while you are interacting with your guests. But in order to be able to look in the mirror and see a human being at the end of your day, you also must learn not to let the mean comments get to you. For some, it is not hard at all, for others, it might seem impossible to live by the "water off a duck's back" saying.  It took me a great deal to get used to people looking down on me, and I still raise an eyebrow when some guests are trying to offend me just to attempt to get what they want, let that be a free stay, free food, a bottle of wine or just to let the steam off their chests. Most of the time it isn't even personal, they are just saying whatever comes to their minds, and I know, I just happen to be the person they have found with their anger. However, ...

Dear Lilla

Stop being a worrier and be a f*cking warrior. You will thank me. Kind regards, Lilla

We all have those friends... \\ Mindannyiunknak van olyan barátja...

...Who we trust to rescue us from the fire  but would question twice when they hand over a beverage. ... Akiben megbízunk, hogy kiment az égő házból, de kétszer meggondoljuk, hogy mit rakott az italunkba.

The reasons, the excuses and the mute

I believe in three types of people. The reasons, the excuses and the mute. Decisions are hard. Period. They can hurt. As well. Both the ones making up their minds and the ones nearby. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. And there is nothing to be judged about that. You have got to a point in life where you are presented with an option or another way, and it is completely natural to do what is the best for you. Good for you! At the end of the day, you are who matters the most to you. But it also matters how you handle it. How you go through with it. If in doubt, it is human instinct to justify ourselves, our decisions. The reasons are the ones who will be out and open, letting the truth take the blame. They are the bravest for standing to be judged, and for believing in their own right. The excuses will live up to this instinct fully by putting themselves in a light that others won't judge. Could be lies, could be exaggeration, and also could be done completely uninte...

Get your sh*t together gurl

When sh*t hits the fan, everyone reacts differently. Some will leave the sinking ship. Some will lurk in the background to wait out their moment. Some will shift to the other side and betray all they had believed in. And some of us will try to just somehow put up with it. Not because we want to. Not because we can. But because we must. But what happens when all method, all routine known to oneself fails to get you over it. When you try everything that has ever occurred to you let it be legal or not. When the exercise does not take your mind off of things, when the cake doesn't taste as good, when the cut just can't be deep enough to hurt, when the drunkenness is just bitter sweet and when the shoulders you need the most are not there to cry on. When there is nothing that shouts: you need to survive. Do you know what you do then? You get your f*cking act together and take your fabulous self back in the front line. Not just because you must. But because you can and you bloody w...

Play it cool, kid.

As someone who is likely to worry too much -  To consider the options one can say. To consider all the outcomes of each option. To rephrase it a billion times. To write a whole novel, then to delete it. To think of a good comeback for all the possible answers. To do the whole thing all over again. To go mad and anxious. Then to realise, there is the option of silence. Why to sweat it, when to stay out of the way is so much easier? It is a statement. Like it can be done just like that. To stay quite and have all those worries come back. Should of said anything? All the right things come to mind at this point. All the reasons to speak up. The head just gets filled with anxiety, what ifs, anger and desperation. To realise, the silence can go unnoticed so easily. To realise, it is possibly the bitchiest move. To realise it wasn't even heard. Then to notice, all this time, just been silly. There is probably nothing wrong. It is just in the head. And the longer the thoughts ...

OTG shorts

Sometimes I am worried I might be schizophrenic . But then I just tell myself there is nothing wrong with us . ***

Favourite Guests

Everyone has one. Doesn't matter if you are working on the bar, reception, in the restaurant. You meet hundreds of people every week, there are some just passing by, and some you welcome back regularly. And then there are the favourites. It won't be the one who stays there the most, spends the most money or is a highly ranked loyalty member. They won't be your favourite because they take the least time at the desk, have no fuss or bad words at check out. Or the ones giving you 5 star rating on TripAdvisor. The one who speaks kindly down to you, like it is a privilege. Or the one telling you about their fantastic holiday neither the one moaning about their day. It will be the one who knows you want to start driving, and is checking up on your progress. The one who comes specifically to you if he has a request. The one who would rather wait for you to finish the phonecall so you can chat over check in. The one who will tell you if he had a difficult day but then reme...

Please say it isn't just me... // Ugye nem csak én?!

I will cook chicken soup for one - said no one ever . ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Pipileves egy személyre... Na persze, jó vicc!

Annual Pole Dance Showcase 2015 // Rúdtánc Jótékonysági fellépés 2015

Pole. Annual. Stage. Charity. 2015. Christmas. Dance. Showcase. People. Music. Video. Enjoy. Here. Fenti linken található legutóbbi rúdtánc fellépésem videója. Remélem, tetszeni fog! Mooo:)

DUPLICATE: Csak eggyel több

Dolgok, amiből csak eggyel több van, mint kéne... bocis tárgyak bögrék harisnyák rózsaszín ruhák bocis zoknik tea szilikon telefontokok edzős rövidnadrágok céges tollak. Mooo:)

One too many

Things I have one too many of to admit... Cow-y objects Mugs Tights Pink dresses Cow socks Teabags Silicone phone cases Training shorts Branded pens Moo.


Paranoid me: They must be all talking behind my back... Self-concious me: ...I don't matter enough to be talked about Moo.

New Year New Me Bullshit

So I am back again. New Year New Me? I don't think so. Why to change who I am, I did so many times and it never made any difference. All I can focus on now is to make the most of the present me and improve every day. But I do plan on some changes. I intend to slightly alter this blog. First of all the changes, I want to start writing posts again. Haven't done it in a while and I reckon it will be nice to get back to it. I have no excuses now like "I have enough uni work to write, can't be bothered to type any extra letters on this god damn keyboard", since I only have one big project this year to finish. To finish? Haven't even started it yet. Of course the even bigger change is that I will be writing in English most of my posts. Purely because - shame or no shame - I speak, think and dream in English 99% of the time and that is how I chose to live my life. Nevertheless, I am going to write duplicate posts in Hungarian if I feel like it, but don't call m...