Play it cool, kid.

As someone who is likely to worry too much - 

To consider the options one can say. To consider all the outcomes of each option. To rephrase it a billion times. To write a whole novel, then to delete it. To think of a good comeback for all the possible answers. To do the whole thing all over again. To go mad and anxious.

Then to realise, there is the option of silence. Why to sweat it, when to stay out of the way is so much easier? It is a statement. Like it can be done just like that. To stay quite and have all those worries come back. Should of said anything? All the right things come to mind at this point. All the reasons to speak up. The head just gets filled with anxiety, what ifs, anger and desperation. To realise, the silence can go unnoticed so easily. To realise, it is possibly the bitchiest move. To realise it wasn't even heard.

Then to notice, all this time, just been silly. There is probably nothing wrong. It is just in the head. And the longer the thoughts are locked up, the darker they get. To rephrase everything, to smash all those worries and feelings in one sentence. The perfect come back to all that haven't been said, to make up for the time spent speechless, all the swear words and heart emojis.

To get rid of it all and to say something completely irrelevant, to just say, hello, I am still here.

To play it cool, kid. The world shall never know, what is going on inside.

Finally, to regret it the second after.


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