New Year New Me Bullshit

So I am back again. New Year New Me? I don't think so. Why to change who I am, I did so many times and it never made any difference. All I can focus on now is to make the most of the present me and improve every day.
But I do plan on some changes. I intend to slightly alter this blog. First of all the changes, I want to start writing posts again. Haven't done it in a while and I reckon it will be nice to get back to it. I have no excuses now like "I have enough uni work to write, can't be bothered to type any extra letters on this god damn keyboard", since I only have one big project this year to finish. To finish? Haven't even started it yet.
Of course the even bigger change is that I will be writing in English most of my posts. Purely because - shame or no shame - I speak, think and dream in English 99% of the time and that is how I chose to live my life. Nevertheless, I am going to write duplicate posts in Hungarian if I feel like it, but don't call me out on it if I don't. Ironically, claiming that I will in English does not make sense, since those who will demand Hungarian version will not be able to read this, those who can, should not have any problems with me writing in English. Silly sausage, you are, Lilla!
And again, as always, I continue to write these posts to myself, and yes, I probably end up posting them on my facebook account just because why not, but if you are not interested, then I am sorry for taking up your time, although those who are not at all curious where this post leads, will be long gone by this point.

So why have I started it again? 2015 is gone without me posting a word on here or on my other blog, and although I am not less of a person because of it, I am totally missing out on adding extra to my life, plus, new year is just another cliché to make promises to ourselves, so here we are:

I believe the tradition of making new year's resolutions comes from over 4000 years ago, from the age of the Babylonians. Apparently they were less likely to break their promises, avoiding to make their gods angry. What seemed to change is that in this modern age we make promises to ourselves rather than in a religious context. It is to our self-improvement in the present or the near future, not to please our god(s). And since we are our own judge in the matter, we are more likely to break those resolutions. Some statistics say 88% of people fail to keep their vows.
The most cliché one every person in their life at least once tries to achieve is to hit the gym more often. I reckon this has a lot to do with the new year new me attitude, also, this would be the time people start to wake up from their Christmas-food-coma and realise how much they consumed over the past 4 weeks of Holidays (because let's be honest, we all finished the advent calendar by the end of first week). Other common 'getting healthier' promises are: healthy diet, less drinking, quit smoking, lose weight, going out for a walk more often. And I am not saying these are not important, but as we have seen the statistic above, not likely to be kept. I am happy to say I have chosen one of those last year as one of my resolutions and I am sticking to it ever since.
Some tries to vow to be more of a people-person or to socialise more in the future. This could include cutting down on the time spent on social media, making new friends, or just simply maintaining existing ones better with going out more. Travelling is something almost every person wishes to do in their lives and making it as a new years resolution doesn't just mean that you are planning on something pleasant (not that healthy food isn't pleasant but when you have to deny yourself McDonald's, well those are the moments when you start doubting your right mind making these promises), it also means you feel less bad spending half your salary on a plane ticket, since you owe it to yourself. Family also comes up on the list, many people get reminded over the Holidays how nice it is just to sit around with your loved once and they claim to keep that spirit up in the new year. Well. Good for them.
Volunteering, learning a new profession, a new language, and reading more falls into the qualification category. And to be fair, new year's resolution IS about self-improvement so can't have a word against it. I reckon these are the ones that can actually work properly since most of them has an actual result, like a certificate, an exam, or implementing the newly gained skills to the every day life, hence having a deadline to complete it makes more sense. I mean these are definitely easier to be monitored than the units of consumed alcohol. To say, by the end of this year I will have THIS or I have completed THAT.
And of course you find the odd ones, such as having more sex, having a baby, learn to bake a cake like Mary Berry, improve personal hygiene (mate you should not wait for it for a whole year), sponsor a child in Africa (I said odd one, not bad!), or apparently, dump your partner and get a better one! [source:]

But I can make all the jokes, I did have my own share of silly promises last year, so I will give it a go this time as well. Safe to say I have kept all three last year and I am sticking to that number now. An article said women are 10% more likely to keep their resolutions when they made it public, so here it is, just to make me more strong on the matter:

This year, in 2016, I promise to...

Get a driving license.

Start blogging again.

Make the most of Bristol.

And yes, I am just as lame to fall into those categories, although this year I avoided the health improving type, just because I hit the gym enough, train enough, and I don't mind those occasional take aways. But I promise to go out more - I mean, I have like 6 months left in this awesome city and I have barely been anywhere! -, and to add to my -already amazing- skills list with learning to drive.

Oh and also. I could not resist but add a special promise to myself, and that is to go back to Hungary this year to visit some incredible people, like my family and friends. 2015 passed by with me not going back at all, and meanwhile excuses I have millions, it still does not make it OK.

So there you have it. Bring it on 2016, never been more ready to meet you.

Moo :)


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