Dear Arthur - The one where I introduce you to my world
Dear Arthur,
Today we celebrate your first six months of existence. I believe by the time you ever find these letters, you will be old enough just to understand the things I am going to tell you. May the odds be in your favour for you not to go through some of the battles I have conquered, lost, fought and yet to face in life, but I truly wish you will be able to see some of the rainbows of the sky and the silver linings of the clouds that shown themselves to me in the past years.
Let me just say it, as it is the most important thing I will ever tell you, and I am sure I will keep repeating this until my last breath:
You are simply a miracle.
I am still not sure if I believe in miracles at all. Usually if they do happen, they don't last long, therefore you are the only one that I know will last. Life doesn't just give good things to you, handing them out like they are going out of date. You need to fight for them, you need to work for achievements, for recognition, you need to make an effort just to get out of bed, and hell, sometimes that is the hardest part of the day, to start it.
You wouldn't know it yet now, life is pretty easy at the mo, isn't it? Mum is there to take care of you, she is there to protect you and satisfy all your needs. But this won't last forever. Prepare for it, my dearest little brother, because at one point, life will hit hard, maybe all at once, maybe just gradually, but once you will look back and say, wow, I was not expecting things to go this far.
I got to that point many times, and your arrival happened at one of those times, could not have happened at any better period of my life.
This might be harsh, but I did believe to a point that you will be my angel, who will help me leave the world that I knew behind as it was. I do remember clearly how it happened. I was up late at night, I was visiting my friends, everyone else was fast asleep. And I just could not go to bed before I knew you were born, had to wait up for the news. When Mum's text has arrived, my eyes filled up with tears of happiness, and I was eager to take a peak of this angel who will bring me peace in life. But then after the first glance, some other thoughts and emotions started a little fire in me: you weren't the one who will help me let go, but you were the one who will help me keep going.
So there, you are my miracle, you are the unexpected turning point in my life, one of the few, that made my life for the better. You were only just born, and already taught me so much about the world, so fear not, I will be here to return the favour, and be your big sister, to prepare you for all the horribleness of life, to share the smiles of happiness and to always try to point out the bright side.
Welcome to the world, little one. It will be a tough ride.
Love you always.
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