About having a responsible face

 I couldn't tell you where this memory/thought process came from, but I thought I would share it with you, maybe someone can relate. I always find myself in the same position, regardless my age: adults trusting me with their absence. Let me explain.

My mother worked in a children's hospital when I was in my early to mid teens. She would work on A&E and that means long hours, so I often went to visit her if she was behind the reception in the afternoon, on evenings or on weekends. It was just normal to pop in, or stick around if I was waiting for an appointment for myself in a different department. Now, fair enough, most of my mother's colleagues knew me, so they had no problems with me sticking around in the staff room, or even behind the desk. But why they allowed me to talk to patients (they often assumed I was an employee or an intern), record their details on the computer or walk them down to the correct examination room is way beyond me.

Another example: I don't know about the UK, but most schools in Hungary has a canteen and a canteen shop. In this little shop you could by sandwiches, chocolate bars, energy drinks (I know, hardcore) and the occasional fruit to make it healthier. I was always eating food from the canteen, I spent my pocket-money elsewhere, but on the chance that I did visit the shop, I must have been very charming, because I still dearly remember the lady running the shop and same goes to her. I mean I still have her on Facebook, that must account for something! Countless times, she let me go behind the counter. She let me serve myself if there was a queue and I was in the rush, but I often returned the favour. I would serve other kids, handle her money, while she was gone to spend a penny. What made her trust me that I won't rob her, steal from her is again, beyond me.

Same scenario at university. Way more people, way more faces. Yet, the lady in the cafe of my frequented building always asked me to keep an eye on the counter while she nips out for a smoke. Because for some reason, me guarding the empty cafe and promptly saying "she'll be back in a sec" as soon as someone walked in with a confused impression was a better choice for her, than having a sign up that reads "brb". Sure, I did work for the same company as she did on a casual basis, but she didn't know that, or not for the first year or two. Why she asked me out of everyone, no clue (you thought I'll put 'beyond me', didn't you).

I must have that responsible face that people don't see as a threat. Has anyone else had the same in the past? Can someone confirm or deny that it is the face? Because then it's time for me to shove a picture of my grin on my CV...


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