I believe in three types of people. The reasons, the excuses and the mute. Decisions are hard. Period. They can hurt. As well. Both the ones making up their minds and the ones nearby. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. And there is nothing to be judged about that. You have got to a point in life where you are presented with an option or another way, and it is completely natural to do what is the best for you. Good for you! At the end of the day, you are who matters the most to you. But it also matters how you handle it. How you go through with it. If in doubt, it is human instinct to justify ourselves, our decisions. The reasons are the ones who will be out and open, letting the truth take the blame. They are the bravest for standing to be judged, and for believing in their own right. The excuses will live up to this instinct fully by putting themselves in a light that others won't judge. Could be lies, could be exaggeration, and also could be done completely uninte...
I can talk about how much I love my partner or how excited I am about moving in together for hours. I actively am planning our wedding, and think about wanting babies at least 3 times a day. But I am also going to be the person that says you do not need any of those to be a full, happy, successful person. Maybe you don't have those things, or not all of them, because you can't, couldn't so far, or you just don't want to have those things, and that is absolutely fine. We are all in different stages of life. I, for instance, had finished my 2nd degree by the time my partner started his first, and there is only 10 months difference in age between us. I have managed people twice my age at work, and I know many of the younger generation earns double my wage. We go through life differently, because of the choices we make. Society, and many people within, has a rough outline on what the stages should be in which phase of aging, like check-points in a videogame. Unfortunately,...
Kezdtem volna a blogolást ott, ahol eldöntöttem, hogy itt folytatom tovább az életet? Vagy mikor jelentkeztem az egyetemre? Vagy mikor most, nyáron papíron kiköltöztem Apáékhoz? Amióta megérkeztem, július 3-án, intézzük az ügyeimet. A cél: angol lakost csinálni belőlem. Mint számomra kiderült, itt nincs olyan, hogy lakcímkártya, nem lehet valakit valahogy csak úgy bejelenteni. Inkább, hogy úgy fogalmazzak, elhinteni a magokat, lábnyomokat hagyni mindenhol, úgy, hogy a nevem alatt ez a cím jelenjen meg. Az első sikerem az orvos sal volt. Apával odamentünk, kitöltöttünk egy rakááááás papírt, mindenféle kérdésekkel. Még azt is megkérdezték, heti hányszor iszom alkoholt... De a nővér nagyon kedves volt. Kicsi rendelő, gyerekek és idősek egyaránt járnak oda. Tényleg barátságos maga az épület is. Mikor beadtam a papírokat, a pultos nővér szólt, hogy hamarosan postázzák az NHS számomat, valamint adott időpontot vizitre. Szerdára kellett mennem, vizeletmintával. Őszintén? Kicsit...
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