
Showing posts from May, 2016

Sweet taste of sweat and pain

I went to watch my friend playing volleyball for the first time. Their team was just a group of friends who decided to join a charity tournament ( that was my brief understanding of the situation anyway, but don't hold me to it). I was sitting on the side on my own and all those sweet memories came back from high school. I did my fair share of volleyball, have a few years behind me. Practised weekly, was on the school team and we entered competitions in season. Watching them made me think about the other girls, how strong they were, how hard we fought and how big part of my life it was back then. I remembered all those little things we did as a routine during the game, who was the best at what, what my strength was, and suddenly I wanted to get on the game. But then I was watching the game, and someone made a mistake. And all those memories of shame, pain and humiliation hit me at once. We were fighting hard, but it was never enough. We put all the sweat and time in every move...

Drága Artúr - Amelyikben bemutatlak a világomnak

Drága Artúr, Ma ünnepeljük, hogy fél éves lettél. Mire ezeket a sorokat olvasni fogod, hiszem, hogy elég idős leszel, hogy talán kicsit is megértsd, amiről beszélek. Adja a sors, hogy felét se éld át mindazon nehézségeknek, amiken én túlestem, amikbe beleroppantam, amikkel most harcolok, s amik még előttem állnak; de remélem, hogy azok a felemelő élmények, az élet édes pillanatai számodra is elérhetőek lesznek egy napon, amiket valaha én is átélhettem. Had mondjam el elsősorban, hiszen ez lesz a legfontosabb dolog, amit valaha is mondhatok neked, és tudom, hogy nem egyszer fogom ezt neked elismételni az életben: Egyszerűen egy csoda vagy. Nem igazán döntöttem még el, hogy hiszek e a csodákban egyáltalán. Legtöbbször, ha meg is esnek, nem tartanak többé három napnál, ahogy a mondás is tartja, tehát te igazán nagy csoda vagy, ráadásul olyan, ami örökké tart. Az élet nem osztogatja csak úgy a jó dolgokat, mint az ingyen mintát szokták a boltokban. Harcolni kell értük, küz...

Dear Arthur - The one where I introduce you to my world

Dear Arthur, Today we celebrate your first six months of existence. I believe by the time you ever find these letters, you will be old enough just to understand the things I am going to tell you. May the odds be in your favour for you not to go through some of the battles I have conquered, lost, fought and yet to face in life, but I truly wish you will be able to see some of the rainbows of the sky and the silver linings of the clouds that shown themselves to me in the past years. Let me just say it, as it is the most important thing I will ever tell you, and I am sure I will keep repeating this until my last breath: You are simply a miracle. I am still not sure if I believe in miracles at all. Usually if they do happen, they don't last long, therefore you are the only one that I know will last. Life doesn't just give good things to you, handing them out like they are going out of date. You need to fight for them, you need to work for achievements, for recognitio...