
Showing posts from March, 2016

Work as a lifestyle? Am I ready?

When I was young, I always wanted to just grow up and get started on my career. I could not wait to start working, that is why I looked for my first job as soon as I turned 16. In England, after you finish your GCSEs and turn 16, you can leave education and start "the big LIFE". In Hungary, you need to finish high school, and be 18 to start working properly. And even though I was all about working, I went to university because I thought it was very important. (This might be because of the Hungarian mentality of needing to get papers of your education, and the general push towards higher education. I think it is a great approach, however, it can be quite off-putting for the less ambitious teens.) At university, I was determined to find a job straight away, not just because I needed to support myself financially, or because I understand the importance of job experience in the future, but because I really wanted to. I still have two part time jobs alongside my studies, and I ...

A shout out to all of our work legends

To be able to work in hospitality, and in this recent case, on reception, you must have many skills. To give amazing service, you must put in your heart, just to make those few seconds, minutes, or hours special while you are interacting with your guests. But in order to be able to look in the mirror and see a human being at the end of your day, you also must learn not to let the mean comments get to you. For some, it is not hard at all, for others, it might seem impossible to live by the "water off a duck's back" saying.  It took me a great deal to get used to people looking down on me, and I still raise an eyebrow when some guests are trying to offend me just to attempt to get what they want, let that be a free stay, free food, a bottle of wine or just to let the steam off their chests. Most of the time it isn't even personal, they are just saying whatever comes to their minds, and I know, I just happen to be the person they have found with their anger. However, ...

Dear Lilla

Stop being a worrier and be a f*cking warrior. You will thank me. Kind regards, Lilla

We all have those friends... \\ Mindannyiunknak van olyan barátja...

...Who we trust to rescue us from the fire  but would question twice when they hand over a beverage. ... Akiben megbízunk, hogy kiment az égő házból, de kétszer meggondoljuk, hogy mit rakott az italunkba.

The reasons, the excuses and the mute

I believe in three types of people. The reasons, the excuses and the mute. Decisions are hard. Period. They can hurt. As well. Both the ones making up their minds and the ones nearby. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. And there is nothing to be judged about that. You have got to a point in life where you are presented with an option or another way, and it is completely natural to do what is the best for you. Good for you! At the end of the day, you are who matters the most to you. But it also matters how you handle it. How you go through with it. If in doubt, it is human instinct to justify ourselves, our decisions. The reasons are the ones who will be out and open, letting the truth take the blame. They are the bravest for standing to be judged, and for believing in their own right. The excuses will live up to this instinct fully by putting themselves in a light that others won't judge. Could be lies, could be exaggeration, and also could be done completely uninte...